Tuesday 29 April 2014

The Importance of STD Testing Austin

No one ever wants to admit that they have an STD, it can be both humiliating and inconvenient at the same time. Luckily, STD's do not necessarily need to be deadly or otherwise life ending like they were twenty years ago. There is treatment, and there is adequate counseling. Before we get into that however, let's discuss exactly what an STD is so that you might seek Austin STD testing.

What is an STD?
Believe it or not, an STD is precisely what it sounds like: a Sexually Transmitted Disease. There are a few misconceptions regarding STD's that should be addressed. For example, you cannot contract AIDS from a toilet seat, or through kissing. Most STD's, HIV/AIDS in particular cannot live long outside the body, and can typically only be transmitted through certain fluids. Saliva simply is not a good medium for it.

STD's can range from annoying to deadly. Some will simply cause flu-like symptoms, while others might actually cause you to break out in rashes. Still others can weaken your immune system, ultimately causing you to expire from the common cold. This is why STD testing Austin is so important! 

STD Testing Austin
There are a few good STD clinics in Austin, and they don't charge an arm or a leg for testing. In general, you can expect to pay about $20 for examination and treatment at the RBJ Health Center. This is a step up from the free clinics in price, of course, but there is also free confidential counseling, and free testing for the following diseases:

-Hepatitis C

STD testing Austin may actually be sponsored by a place of work for which you are applying. There are some positions which, by law, you must receive regular STD testing. For example, food handlers must typically be free of certain STD's. In addition to that, those who work in a healthcare setting must be free of these viruses as the illness can be transmitted through blood.

A good STD testing Austin facility will be able to diagnose you, and if you find that you are infected, you can receive adequate counseling, which will help you to move on. Remember, there is life after your diagnosis, no matter how grave it happens to be. Don't be afraid to take these first steps toward protecting yourself as well as those you love. It can be scary, but it's not the end.